Pejam celik pejam celik setahun hampir berlalu..
As for me too many things happen to me..
N i made one big decision in this year..
As for me too many things happen to me..
N i made one big decision in this year..
Working in Saudi..I left the comfort zone backhome..Left my beloved family..N learn how to survive here..
Alhamdulillah i'm still survive..
I gain much experience that i never experience before..
N the best things that happen in my life this year is..

-I did my Umrah..
N bole kembali ke tanah suci bila waktu terluang..
How lucky i am..
Yea...sya sgt2 bersyukur..
Yg org len mungkin tk dpt peluang ne..
Life yg agak limit di sini..
Buatkan sya lebih rs 'terlindung'
Terlindung dr mcm2.
I gain much experience that i never experience before..
N the best things that happen in my life this year is..

-I did my Umrah..
N bole kembali ke tanah suci bila waktu terluang..
How lucky i am..
Yea...sya sgt2 bersyukur..
Yg org len mungkin tk dpt peluang ne..
Life yg agak limit di sini..
Buatkan sya lebih rs 'terlindung'
Terlindung dr mcm2.
X perlula sya explain disini kn..
N diduga dgn dugaan lain pulak..
But thats' life..
N diduga dgn dugaan lain pulak..
But thats' life..
-Tahun ne jugak adik sya bertunang..
Terasa?? Mungkin sedikit terasa..
Tp ajal maut jodoh sumer di tanganNya..
Sbg hamba kiter berusaha,berdoa n tawakal..
Aperpun sya sgt2 happy utk adik sya..
N teruja nk terima 1st adik ipar tk lama lg..:)
Di sebalik all this happiness..
Ade gk dugaan2 yg menimpa..
Perkara plg buruk terjadi dlm life sya pun within this year..
BUT as i said before..
Sya jdkan pengajaran..
CINTA di thn 2010???
Puppet love ade la kot..hahaha..
Jom start counting utk 2011..
Kt Mesia tinggal lebih kurang 4 jam je lg nak 2011..:)
Pergh..entry plg pjg thn 2010..naseb la korunk kena bace..Hahaha..:P

Terasa?? Mungkin sedikit terasa..
Tp ajal maut jodoh sumer di tanganNya..
Sbg hamba kiter berusaha,berdoa n tawakal..
Aperpun sya sgt2 happy utk adik sya..
N teruja nk terima 1st adik ipar tk lama lg..:)
Di sebalik all this happiness..
Ade gk dugaan2 yg menimpa..
Perkara plg buruk terjadi dlm life sya pun within this year..
BUT as i said before..
Sya jdkan pengajaran..
CINTA di thn 2010???
Puppet love ade la kot..hahaha..
Jom start counting utk 2011..
Kt Mesia tinggal lebih kurang 4 jam je lg nak 2011..:)
Pergh..entry plg pjg thn 2010..naseb la korunk kena bace..Hahaha..:P