sorry guys for late update..
i really bz enough...
handling the sickness...
still have fever on and off..
i just tough it was a viral fever or URTI..
but the symptoms came worse..
this 4-5 days i had a really bad cough with sore throat and hoarseness of voice..
smpai 1 tahap tk de sore terus...
oh my godness..
tiring seh mkn ubt,amik neb sumer....
then today br je lepas amik neb ventolin..
but still gk rs tightness and shortness of breath..
tk larat seh...4-5 hr ni tk bole tido..
baring je mesti batuk teruk smpai SOB,tightnes sumer...
the latest diagnose was bronchitis...
but dr told me if after this antibiotic ( KLACID )
the symptoms tk settle gk doc nk treat as bronchopneumonia...
oh my godness...hope it juz a simple chest infection...
pray for my healthy guys..
tq 4 ur support...
later i'll update again...
Sebuah perjalanan hidup yang penuh warna warni..Live life to the fullest..La Takhaf Wala Tahzan Innallaha Ma'ana
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
hard to say goodbye
today both of my parents went to penang..
to sent my little bro izzat to uitm bukit mertajam...
what i felt? well of ocurse la i'm happy coz my lil bro got chances to further study...but on the other hand i felt very sad..coz after this its hard to meet him again...be4 this my eldest bro wafi..went to penang as he is working at petronas seberang izzat pun sama gk...
i'll missing both of u guys..seriously...i juz have 3 siblings..n what else i have?
yeah i have very good frenz,extremers and others...i also have my lovely parents...
i regret la sbb my parents dpt find out i'm not feeling well..bukan apa i tk nak diorang ssh hati..see hari ni jer dh brp kali diorang telefon...kesian la kat my parents...i tak bole nak sembunyi kan..sbb my voice ni dh bole explain everything...aduhai...
ibu jgn risau kay,ida okay payah la nak rush nak dtg kl...take ur time...lagipun ade nadia,siena n akak leh jaga ida...
thats what i told my mum..
but i bet u..diorang mesti dtg ahad ni...sure punyala..even i dh kata tk payah..
sorry ibu n ayah for making both of u worried bout me....:(
to sent my little bro izzat to uitm bukit mertajam...
what i felt? well of ocurse la i'm happy coz my lil bro got chances to further study...but on the other hand i felt very sad..coz after this its hard to meet him again...be4 this my eldest bro wafi..went to penang as he is working at petronas seberang izzat pun sama gk...
i'll missing both of u guys..seriously...i juz have 3 siblings..n what else i have?
yeah i have very good frenz,extremers and others...i also have my lovely parents...
i regret la sbb my parents dpt find out i'm not feeling well..bukan apa i tk nak diorang ssh hati..see hari ni jer dh brp kali diorang telefon...kesian la kat my parents...i tak bole nak sembunyi kan..sbb my voice ni dh bole explain everything...aduhai...
ibu jgn risau kay,ida okay payah la nak rush nak dtg kl...take ur time...lagipun ade nadia,siena n akak leh jaga ida...
thats what i told my mum..
but i bet u..diorang mesti dtg ahad ni...sure punyala..even i dh kata tk payah..
sorry ibu n ayah for making both of u worried bout me....:(
the latest news of me...
i'm having a bad fever x 1/52
sore throat x 1/52 plus ( suffer seh )
hoarseness of voices ( almost tk de suara dh ni) aduhai...
bad coughing ( pat ni plg tk best sbb ade asthma ) wuargh....
then this 2 days i can't tolerate orally... dry okay....
n i vomit almost all the food that i taken..
dah la lost appetite pas tu vomit plak...
sgt tk bgs okay....
so i hope that i will get well soon..
as i dh MC for 3 days...
and i really dont like it...
habis rekod keje selama ni..
dek MC 3 days ni.....
so guys pray for me kay...
hope that i will get well soon ...very soon.......:(
ops : sorry... 1/52 is equal to 1 weeks..Tq..:)
i'm having a bad fever x 1/52
sore throat x 1/52 plus ( suffer seh )
hoarseness of voices ( almost tk de suara dh ni) aduhai...
bad coughing ( pat ni plg tk best sbb ade asthma ) wuargh....
then this 2 days i can't tolerate orally... dry okay....
n i vomit almost all the food that i taken..
dah la lost appetite pas tu vomit plak...
sgt tk bgs okay....
so i hope that i will get well soon..
as i dh MC for 3 days...
and i really dont like it...
habis rekod keje selama ni..
dek MC 3 days ni.....
so guys pray for me kay...
hope that i will get well soon ...very soon.......:(
ops : sorry... 1/52 is equal to 1 weeks..Tq..:)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Bowling & Karaoke time
last nite i and him went to mutiara complex..
pergh..jenuh gk nak mencari mutiara complex ni...
kitorang pi training bowling as this saturday ade tournament bowling inter club myviX....angin jer ngan lane kat sana...dah la pendek...pas tu kayu plak..langsung tk standard...wat bola hooked pun tk jd..yelah dh lane pendek mn nya nak jadi..sbr jerlaa...lane tu sesuai utk org main staight ball jer....jd haruslah kan point i mlm td mcm hampeh tension gk la...kena tuning dr hooked nak ke straight ball blk..ingt sng ke..dh la bola i tu bola hooked perla..redah jer...nak enjoy yg penting best sbb main bowling ngan die...
pas tu kami bantai berkaraoke kat music box...pergh 3 jam tu...serak2 gk la sore kami die la yg byk nyanyi kan...hahaha..sore i tk sedap tk payahla nak menyanyi byk2 pun...
thanks dear,i really enjoy our moment last nite..
mlm ni kiter layan midnite plak kay..:)
pergh..jenuh gk nak mencari mutiara complex ni...
kitorang pi training bowling as this saturday ade tournament bowling inter club myviX....angin jer ngan lane kat sana...dah la pendek...pas tu kayu plak..langsung tk standard...wat bola hooked pun tk jd..yelah dh lane pendek mn nya nak jadi..sbr jerlaa...lane tu sesuai utk org main staight ball jer....jd haruslah kan point i mlm td mcm hampeh tension gk la...kena tuning dr hooked nak ke straight ball blk..ingt sng ke..dh la bola i tu bola hooked perla..redah jer...nak enjoy yg penting best sbb main bowling ngan die...
pas tu kami bantai berkaraoke kat music box...pergh 3 jam tu...serak2 gk la sore kami die la yg byk nyanyi kan...hahaha..sore i tk sedap tk payahla nak menyanyi byk2 pun...
thanks dear,i really enjoy our moment last nite..
mlm ni kiter layan midnite plak kay..:)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

this recently i start kena attack asthma blk..
dh lama tk kena attack..last attack pun thn lepas..
1st attack this year masa blk dr konvoi penang...
smpai kl around kul 3 pg...
agaknya penat sgt tu yg dpt attack time tu..
smpai ke pg gk la tk bole tido...
then dlm this week kena attack lg..
this time maybe sbb expose ngan asap rokok..
susah la org lain merokok kite yg suffer..
tp tk kn nak marah org yg merokok tu...
plg kuat pun jauhkan diri jer..
tp smpai mana la nak elakkan diri pun...
br plan nak njoy mc flurry oreo..
tp since dh kena attack blk ni..
hold dl la...
nak mc flurry oreo.......
Another Tagged
Name: Nurwahidah bt Yusop
Sisters: Nil
Brothers: 2
Shoe size: 6
Height: 161 cm
Where do you live: Cheras..hometown malacca
Favourite drinks: longan n laici kang
Favourite breakfast:Roti bawang...sedap oo..
Have you ever been on a plane: fine day maybe...planned to la..:)
Swam in the ocean: Yerp..last sekali dkt mn ingt seh..lg prefer waterfall
Fallen asleep in school: Usually esp dlm kelas sejarah..hahaha...hate history
Broken someone's heart: My parents ...sgt menyesal okey..n ader la sorang mamat terpaksa broken kn heart die..yg penting die survive..
Fell off your chair: once...time sekolah dl..time standard 5..malu seh
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: tk pernah lg kot
Saved e-mails: Mende la soklan de yg lg bernas ker?
What is your room like: everyhting is blue...hahaha..i luv blue...yg penting tk selerak okay...:)
What's right beside you: Mouse...hahahah
What is the last thing you ate: nasi goreng kampung yg sungguh tk sedap..tawar seh..
Ever had Chicken pox:Yes...once
Sore throat: A lot..n still having it..:(
Stitches: Nope..alhamdulillah..
Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes..n still in my mind..:)
Like picnics: Count me in...:P
Who was the last person you danced with: Nadia...hahaha
Last made you smile: Siena..she miss me...huhuhu
You last yelled: Bengong...yelled dkt nadia (housemate) dok kaco org tgk tv..isk3
who u want to tagged :
-mak farhah
-all bloggers
Sisters: Nil
Brothers: 2
Shoe size: 6
Height: 161 cm
Where do you live: Cheras..hometown malacca
Favourite drinks: longan n laici kang
Favourite breakfast:Roti bawang...sedap oo..
Have you ever been on a plane: fine day maybe...planned to la..:)
Swam in the ocean: Yerp..last sekali dkt mn ingt seh..lg prefer waterfall
Fallen asleep in school: Usually esp dlm kelas sejarah..hahaha...hate history
Broken someone's heart: My parents ...sgt menyesal okey..n ader la sorang mamat terpaksa broken kn heart die..yg penting die survive..
Fell off your chair: once...time sekolah dl..time standard 5..malu seh
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: tk pernah lg kot
Saved e-mails: Mende la soklan de yg lg bernas ker?
What is your room like: everyhting is blue...hahaha..i luv blue...yg penting tk selerak okay...:)
What's right beside you: Mouse...hahahah
What is the last thing you ate: nasi goreng kampung yg sungguh tk sedap..tawar seh..
Ever had Chicken pox:Yes...once
Sore throat: A lot..n still having it..:(
Stitches: Nope..alhamdulillah..
Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes..n still in my mind..:)
Like picnics: Count me in...:P
Who was the last person you danced with: Nadia...hahaha
Last made you smile: Siena..she miss me...huhuhu
You last yelled: Bengong...yelled dkt nadia (housemate) dok kaco org tgk tv..isk3
who u want to tagged :
-mak farhah
-all bloggers
Monday, June 23, 2008
what u all will do if u all find out that ur bf/gf still kept her/his ex gf/bf no as my lurve????
Sunday, June 22, 2008
bufday raisa
nothing to post today...
this morning i went to dr wan's house..
celebrate bufday raisa...
byk nya org dtg....
besar gle umah dr wan..
nice view.....
and rite now i'm working..
tk de mood nak keje..
still headache...
kepala dok berdenyut2...
lmbt pulak baik migraine kali ni...
fever dh kurang tp sakit pale ni tk settle2 lg..
this morning i went to dr wan's house..
celebrate bufday raisa...
byk nya org dtg....
besar gle umah dr wan..
nice view.....
and rite now i'm working..
tk de mood nak keje..
still headache...
kepala dok berdenyut2...
lmbt pulak baik migraine kali ni...
fever dh kurang tp sakit pale ni tk settle2 lg..
Saturday, June 21, 2008
i'm not feeling well today..
sore throat,headache, n fever...
last nite around 6 am br leh tido...
badan lesu giler...
wuargh...time to rest wahidah...
but i'm still working rite now...
can't wait to go back...
still got 5 hour to go....
aja2 fighting wahidah.....
sore throat,headache, n fever...
last nite around 6 am br leh tido...
badan lesu giler...
wuargh...time to rest wahidah...
but i'm still working rite now...
can't wait to go back...
still got 5 hour to go....
aja2 fighting wahidah.....
Friday, June 20, 2008
i'm late today....
hurm tk tahu nak ckp mcm mn...
hari ni bengang giler...
sbb masuk keje lewat 1/2 jam..
mau nya tak lewat..
dah die jemput lmbt...
dah tahu tghari ni jln jammed..
dok kuar exit sg besi sapa suruh...
tu la pandai sgt.....
sabar jer la............
luckily bukan Team Leader..
and nasib baik la TL baik hati..
tk byk songeh sgt...
kalo tk masak gk di buatnya...........
hari ni bengang giler...
sbb masuk keje lewat 1/2 jam..
mau nya tak lewat..
dah die jemput lmbt...
dah tahu tghari ni jln jammed..
dok kuar exit sg besi sapa suruh...
tu la pandai sgt.....
sabar jer la............
luckily bukan Team Leader..
and nasib baik la TL baik hati..
tk byk songeh sgt...
kalo tk masak gk di buatnya...........
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I'm in lurve

hurm...this lately i'm really happy...
yeah i know many people sounds me..
u look berseri2 la...thats usually people told me..
well..i'm in luv...
and that make me happy....
and the biggest things is my parents already know bout him..
its look like they 'restu' our relationship...
i hope this is not the end...
may our relationship remains forever....amin..
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
1 minit yang lalu, ape anda buat?
borak ngan ina..
1 hari yang lalu, apa anda buat?
gi unoff myvixtreme dkt santai cafe..
1 jam lagi, apa anda akan buat?
surfing la aper lg..bosan seh keje mlm nii...
1 hari lagi, ape anda akan buat?
hurm..esok?? tk wat pe la kot...lepak umah jer..
1 orang yang terakhir sms kamu?
hurm...Mr S..
1 orang yang terakhir menelefon kamu?
ermmm sape eik? Mr S kot...hehehe
1 makanan yang baru dibeli?
nasi campur lunch td..
1 barang yang baru hilang?
ermm....duit kot...
1 cerita yang baru ditonton?
er,,,..apa kata hati....
1 hal yang terakhir digosipkan? ingt la....
1 kata yang ingin diluahkan..?
happy sgt..................
1 buku yang sudah dibaca?
ujang baru...n td baca remaja br tp tk habis lagi...
1 penyakit yang sering datang?
gastritis ngan ske oo..
1 keinginan?
nak hubungan yg br terjalin ni kekal selamanya...
nak tagged :
1. faisal admar
2. hannan
3. mak farhah
4. ilman
5. rizhan zihan
6. sumer bloggers
borak ngan ina..
1 hari yang lalu, apa anda buat?
gi unoff myvixtreme dkt santai cafe..
1 jam lagi, apa anda akan buat?
surfing la aper lg..bosan seh keje mlm nii...
1 hari lagi, ape anda akan buat?
hurm..esok?? tk wat pe la kot...lepak umah jer..
1 orang yang terakhir sms kamu?
hurm...Mr S..
1 orang yang terakhir menelefon kamu?
ermmm sape eik? Mr S kot...hehehe
1 makanan yang baru dibeli?
nasi campur lunch td..
1 barang yang baru hilang?
ermm....duit kot...
1 cerita yang baru ditonton?
er,,,..apa kata hati....
1 hal yang terakhir digosipkan? ingt la....
1 kata yang ingin diluahkan..?
happy sgt..................
1 buku yang sudah dibaca?
ujang baru...n td baca remaja br tp tk habis lagi...
1 penyakit yang sering datang?
gastritis ngan ske oo..
1 keinginan?
nak hubungan yg br terjalin ni kekal selamanya...
nak tagged :
1. faisal admar
2. hannan
3. mak farhah
4. ilman
5. rizhan zihan
6. sumer bloggers
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
congrats my little bro
nothing much today...i'm juz happy coz my lil bro got offer to further his studies at uitm bukit mertajam...wuargh...looks like all my bro berkampung kt 1st bro keje kt lepas ni selalu la i berkampung kt penang...hehehe...n tinggal la parents i honeymoon kt umah...hehehe..yg dkt skrang ni tinggal i jer kena la selalu blk kg lepas ni...i'll missing u wafi n izzat..........
Monday, June 9, 2008
konvoi ke penang
from 6-8 june i join konvoi ke penang besama myvixtreme club...
mmg happening la..sebyk 20 biji kete konvoi ke penang kali ni...
antara tmpt yg kitorang pergi bukit bendera,padangk ota n bt feringhi...
mmg menyeronokkan bile konvoi ramai2 ni...even tired enough but we all happy..
tp one thing yg buat i terkilan sgt ialah i tk semptm kn laksa penang...
one thing yg i tk ske kt penang i mean kt town la..
cara diorang tahu la nak kata per..
n i tk sempt jumpa blogger...faisal and natrah..
sorry guys..xtviti padat sgt..
even my bro pun i tk sempt jumpaa.
mmg happening la..sebyk 20 biji kete konvoi ke penang kali ni...
antara tmpt yg kitorang pergi bukit bendera,padangk ota n bt feringhi...
mmg menyeronokkan bile konvoi ramai2 ni...even tired enough but we all happy..
tp one thing yg buat i terkilan sgt ialah i tk semptm kn laksa penang...
one thing yg i tk ske kt penang i mean kt town la..
cara diorang tahu la nak kata per..
n i tk sempt jumpa blogger...faisal and natrah..
sorry guys..xtviti padat sgt..
even my bro pun i tk sempt jumpaa.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
dugaan dtg lagi..
hurm...i dunno to start with what...
yesterday my mom call me..told me dat my rayuan mahkamah di tolak..
pergh..luluh rs hati ni...x tahu nak describe per perasaan ni...yg i tahu i'm really down rite now.....but after my parents pujuk sumer rs lega la sket...they will alwiz beside me and support me...thanks ibu ayah n adik2....for those who doesn't know what is this all bout..u can read my post on topic 'Going to Court'..after talking with my lawyer,all that i can do is to make for another rayuan n waiting for the result again n again...i really hope this case will settle larat dh nak turun naik court............
yesterday my mom call me..told me dat my rayuan mahkamah di tolak..
pergh..luluh rs hati ni...x tahu nak describe per perasaan ni...yg i tahu i'm really down rite now.....but after my parents pujuk sumer rs lega la sket...they will alwiz beside me and support me...thanks ibu ayah n adik2....for those who doesn't know what is this all bout..u can read my post on topic 'Going to Court'..after talking with my lawyer,all that i can do is to make for another rayuan n waiting for the result again n again...i really hope this case will settle larat dh nak turun naik court............
no happy ending
This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.
Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life
Can't get no love without sacrifice
If anything should happen, I guess I wish you well
A little bit of heaven, but a little bit of hell
This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm wastin' everyday
This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.
2 o'clock in the morning, something's on my mind
Can't get no rest; keep walkin' around
If I pretend that nothin' ever went wrong, I can get to my sleep
I can think that we just carried on
This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm wastin' everyday
This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.
A Little bit of love, little bit of love
Little bit of love, little bit of love [repeat]
I feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm wastin' everyday
This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
To live the rest of our life,
But not together.
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.
Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life
Can't get no love without sacrifice
If anything should happen, I guess I wish you well
A little bit of heaven, but a little bit of hell
This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm wastin' everyday
This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.
2 o'clock in the morning, something's on my mind
Can't get no rest; keep walkin' around
If I pretend that nothin' ever went wrong, I can get to my sleep
I can think that we just carried on
This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm wastin' everyday
This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.
A Little bit of love, little bit of love
Little bit of love, little bit of love [repeat]
I feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm wastin' everyday
This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
To live the rest of our life,
But not together.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Convoy to Penang..
On this friday 5th June, i'll go to Penang..
convoy with myvixtreme club...
1st time join konvoi..excited nyaa..
i'm not driving..jd penumpang je...hehehe...
Penang here i come..
later i'll update bout the trip kay...
convoy with myvixtreme club...
1st time join konvoi..excited nyaa..
i'm not driving..jd penumpang je...hehehe...
Penang here i come..
later i'll update bout the trip kay...
Sunday, June 1, 2008
hari sesat2 seduniaa
semlm for the whole day pi tk de kt umah...
awal pg around 8 dh gerak ke taiping...
jarang travel jauh..sengal2 bdn dok lama sgt dlm kete...hehehe...
yg kelakarnya kitorang bole sesat kt pekan taiping...
mn tak sesat sumer nya tk bawa map nak ke umah shida..(majlis kawen die)
aduhai...hbs sumer org kitorang tanya...
yg lg best...ade kt t-junction tu..hbs empat2 jln sekali kitorang pergi..
lengkap la empat2 simpang kitorang masuk...hehehe...
akhirnya selamat gk smpai bt kurau around kul 12...dah cantek la tu..
makan time....huhuhuh....
canteknya shida...tema kuning di raja lg...:)
then around kul 2 kitorang gerak blk kl...
singgah la dkt tapah skejap..
borong buah jambu ngan limau bali..
tp tk de la borong beli sket jer...hehehe
on da way nak blk aderla kejadian kelakar..
kt area highway dr taiping tu kt penuh ngan tumbuh2an yg menghijau,
gunung ganang, bukit bukau sumer...
so aper lg amik la peluang ni amik gmbr...
sekali tgh amik gmbr kete mamat kt kete mercedes sebelah perasan pulak..
die ingt nak amik gmbr die la..siap senyum kambing pulak..
tlg la...nak jd citer dr taipingn k ke kl la die n kawan die follow kitorang...
sekejap ke kiri sekejap ke kanan..sekejap potong kejap slow..
aduhai....mcm2 la.....
then smpai kl around kul 6 lebih...
mlm pulak pi GT myvixtreme...
nak ke nz curry house wangsa maju sesat lg..
aduhai tension seh..mmg hari sesat2 sedunia la hari ni...hehehe
aper2 hal pun njoy la borak2 ngan diorang...
bestla diorang tgh tunggu masa je nak konvoi ke penang...
tp tk pdt ikut la ade komitmen lain la pulak...:(
awal pg around 8 dh gerak ke taiping...
jarang travel jauh..sengal2 bdn dok lama sgt dlm kete...hehehe...
yg kelakarnya kitorang bole sesat kt pekan taiping...
mn tak sesat sumer nya tk bawa map nak ke umah shida..(majlis kawen die)
aduhai...hbs sumer org kitorang tanya...
yg lg best...ade kt t-junction tu..hbs empat2 jln sekali kitorang pergi..
lengkap la empat2 simpang kitorang masuk...hehehe...
akhirnya selamat gk smpai bt kurau around kul 12...dah cantek la tu..
makan time....huhuhuh....
canteknya shida...tema kuning di raja lg...:)
then around kul 2 kitorang gerak blk kl...
singgah la dkt tapah skejap..
borong buah jambu ngan limau bali..
tp tk de la borong beli sket jer...hehehe
on da way nak blk aderla kejadian kelakar..
kt area highway dr taiping tu kt penuh ngan tumbuh2an yg menghijau,
gunung ganang, bukit bukau sumer...
so aper lg amik la peluang ni amik gmbr...
sekali tgh amik gmbr kete mamat kt kete mercedes sebelah perasan pulak..
die ingt nak amik gmbr die la..siap senyum kambing pulak..
tlg la...nak jd citer dr taipingn k ke kl la die n kawan die follow kitorang...
sekejap ke kiri sekejap ke kanan..sekejap potong kejap slow..
aduhai....mcm2 la.....
then smpai kl around kul 6 lebih...
mlm pulak pi GT myvixtreme...
nak ke nz curry house wangsa maju sesat lg..
aduhai tension seh..mmg hari sesat2 sedunia la hari ni...hehehe
aper2 hal pun njoy la borak2 ngan diorang...
bestla diorang tgh tunggu masa je nak konvoi ke penang...
tp tk pdt ikut la ade komitmen lain la pulak...:(
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