why i was there..
well as i mention before i wanna send aiman back...
and he is safely arrive at his home sweet home in ireland...
welcome back aiman...here some of the pix...
me and aiman
kak lin and 'won bin' malaysia....heheheh
cik wahidah kiter...:p
amboi cik wahidah sempat posing lagik! hehe ni sape yg nak g ireland nih?
faisal : huhuhu..mestilah sempat...yg nk pi ireland tu tentulah i..ops slh plak...my frenz la...hahahah
hehe... ireland best tau... tapi kalau pi sana takleh derma darah tau bila balik malaysia!
faisal : dh pi ireland ke?? aah mmg pun kalo pi sana blk mesia tk bole derma darah..hehehe
hehe tak penah tu pasal leh derma baru neh... penah gi negara2 yg leh derma darah jek... eh kalau holland bleh ke? lupa la...
holland eik...hurm..tk sure la...wah bgsla faisal..nk temankan i keje mlm ker?? hahaha...
hehe tak lah... dah nak tido.. kang esok dlm kursus tido lak! :P
kk gud nite (",)
tu sapa tuh wahidah??
axim: my frenz la axim..aiman..why??
ehem ehem...hensem incek Aiman...
sangat padan dengan cik wahidah...cakpong...cakpong...ha ha ha....
kim salam sama itu incek Aiman k
Everyday we have something to remember and to be remembered...
Inilah warna-warni kehidupan....
aper??? won bin ker tu?... fuyoo!!!
dulu pegi overseas xde sape yg antar.. cume guard kt KLIA jer say goodbye!!
yanie : encem eik...jgn ckp mcm tu nanti lg encik aiman kiter perasan..huhuhu....aiman jwbla slm yanie tu..huhuhu
wanhidayat : yup..inilah warna warni kehidupan...:)
aiman : ye ye jer..yelah...aiman la won bin malaysia....:P
kamal : la yeker....tk per..next time kalo nk pi oversea inform kay..mn la tahu free ke..leh tlg hantar...:)
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