Hope that he will get well soon..
I spent 3 hours waiting for the admission settled..
Early in the morning i went out for karaoke ( not that early actually around 10 am )
N this evening i rushed to hospital to sent my granny to hospital..
So tiring....
Time to REST..
Last but not least,
Pd kwn yg merajuk tu teruskan la dgn rajukan anda..
Saya tk berminat nak pujuk..
Bosan perangai mcm budak2..
semoga atuk cepat sembuh ye!
p/s: merajuk? lantak dia! lol
Faisal : tenkiu2... tu la pesal..dh besar2 pun nak merajuk..kalo budak kecik leh gk pujuk kan..hahaha
Semoga atuk cepat sembuh
Semoga atuk awak sembuh dan somoga org merajuk tak jadi merajuk dah
Kniedaz : tenkiu2
Pemburu Bintang : amin..org yg merjauk tu nak merajuk lelama pun kiter tk heran..hahaha
azab tuh kene asthma. sbb zie salah sorg penghidap asthma gak :( Zie doakan atuk wai cepat sembuh...aminnnn
tu la pesal zie..sian sgt tgk atuk..tercungap2..isk3..dah la atuk tk pandai sgt guna inhaler tu
Genial dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.
Nice post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
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