It was a good place to hang out but no bowling centre or movie there..
I'm so happy coz finally i we spent time together..
But sorry guys we didnt take photo at all..Huhuhuh
N believe me..
We all got a new 'babysitter' while hang out...Huhuhu..
Am i rite Nadh?? Lalala...
Btw,tq Nadh ..
Finally we make it..
ada jual babysitter ke kt subang parade??:-p
alaa...sayangnyerrr nan ado pichas. klo x..leh gak zie nengok hasil huha uols kan..hehehe
there is alays a first time kan....
apa kata awak link saya then saya link back... thanks...
bila eh nak gather2 lagi
hehe aah la wai no tak de di jual di subang parade ...:P..
btw aah kan jejalan lupe diri smpai lupe snap pics..
btw thanks to 'baby sitter' hehe sampai lupe kat baby aku jap hahha
tkpe nanti kite dating g k?tgu ko n aku cuti
JMR : mana de personnel nya baby sitter..terbaik punya..huhuhu
Zie : itula pesal..lupa time i pastikan ade gmbr k
Sharingifoz : olrite..i'll link u back...
Yanie : tula pesal..bile ne..jom deal
Neverletmego : tu la syg..kiter lupa snap pic la..syg tul..
tp mmg btol la..dh jumpa ko..lupa terus rania esp bile ade org baik hati tlg jaga..huhuhuh
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