oh tidak..tang mn yang hotnya tue?? :P
2. Upload ur fav pic of u??

3. Why do u like this pic??
nampak my happiness..muke happy je..natural happy ni taw..huhuhu
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
Last month at Wangsa Maju..yummy...
5. The last song you listen too?
Ku Merindu - Ella featuring Shah...rs dibuai2 jer..huhuhu
6. What r u doing right now besides this??
Message ngan Peeja regarding new room to rent
7. What names u prefers besides yours??
I lurve my name..Wahidah..yg satu...:P
8. People to tag??
Cik REdbloodsnow
Cik Pretty Witty Angel aka Aina
Mr Axim yg rajin masak..:P
Guys at 75 Summerstown..ala korunk kan cuti mesit byk masa nya nak wat...
Cik Cahaya
9. Who is No 1??
Zie yg cantek..Sarawak mari..one of my blogger
10. No 3 is having relationship with??
Anies kot..ops sorry kalo silap...:P
11. Say something about no 5.?
Happy go lucky kot orgnyaaa...:)
12. How about no 4?
A group of doctor to be...Guys yg happening...:)
13. Who is no.2
A cute doctor to be also..single lagi tuh...so guys out there aper lg..huhuhu
ehe alamak baru i teringattt tag ari tu i xjawab lagi..hahaha..xpe2 i jawab yg ni dulu..tag ari tu kene suruh org amik gambar..i segan.hahahaha.///:P
uiiii...zie number 1 arr..kehkehkehk
tapi kan...ape yg number 1, 2,3,4,5 tuh yek..kureng paham arr
gtaw sat...hehehe
ad : mn ade hot...:p
witty angel : tk per...perlahan2 la buat yea....
redbloodsnow : mestilah no 1..hehehe...yg no 1,2,3,4, and 5 tu no org yg di tag la..hehehe
amboi lawanya pic baru :)
faisal : tenkiu2...:)
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