Lama dh tak kena Tag..
This time dr Cik Shida kiter..
Who is in the house with you?
-Kak Lin only...
Who was the last person to IM you?
-IM? dh lama dh tk wat mende ni...
Who are you thinking about now?
-Mr A yg dok jauh di mata..missing him..
Who did you last talk to on the phone?
-My beloved ibu...
Who do you wish you were with right now?
-How i wish he is here...:P
Who is your favourite teacher?
-Arwah Ustazah Sariah...miss her..Al-Fatihah..
Who's birthday is next?
-My mum..
Who was the last person you told you love then?
who's you favourite relative?
-My family ( side ibu ) sporting habis..
Where do you live?
-Wangsa Maju…
Where is your phone?
-Ni ha..ade jer..
Where are your parents?
-Ayah still kt Bali lagi..ibu kat kampung sorang2..cian ibu..
Where do you sleep?
-Lor..what da kuan punya Q da..
Where do you shop the most?
-Jusco Alpha Angel..tu yg plg dkt..
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
-Ayah yg bagi...:)
Where did you last take a car ride to?
-Alpha Angel...
Where in your house are you?
-My room sweet room..
What was the last thing you ate?
-Keledek GOreng..yummy..
What was the last thing u drank?
-Air Bandung..
What color pants are you wearing?
-Aik ni pun nk tnya ka??
What kind of cell phone do you have?
Nokia 6680
What is the closest item near you that is blue?
-My T-shirt
What is your favourite color(s)?
-Definitely blue...
What messaging service do you use?
What is your most used away message?
What is your favourite shoe brand?
-depends jenis kasut la...asal comfortable sudah..
What do you wear more; jeans or shorts?
Jeans..jarang pakai nya tk de shorts langsung kot...:P
What is the last movie watched?
-lama giler tk tgk wyg..last sekali X-Files kot..Am i right Aiman??? :P
What song do you currently hear?
Why are you taking this survey?
-juz for fun
Why do you have a xanga?
Why does basically half the world have a myspace?
-ntahla...suke2 kot..
Why are you best friends your best friends?
-bole get long together kot...
Why is wood brown?
-tk kan la nak kaler biru plak..pelik la pulak...aduhaii...
Why do the people on the news repeat the same stuff over-over?
-aik tk pernah la nk tahu plak...
When did everyone become obsessed with fs?
-this3-4 years kot..ntahlaaa
When did you start school?
-masa tadika.. umur 5 years..
When did you meet your good friend?
-dr sekolah rendah lagi kot..
When did you last buy a new pair of pants?
-masa nak raya hari tu..
When did you last burn a candle?
-lama giler dh tk burn candle...
When were you last at school
When did you last see your dad?
-last month..
When did you last take a shower?
-beberapa jam yang lepas...
peoples to tag:-
Aiman ( even tahu mcm la die nk buat taw )
Witty Angel
Faisal Admar
ABg Bear
Shida and Hannan